Get a rock-solid grasp on geology Geology For Dummies is ideal reading for anyonewith an interest in the fundamental concepts of geology, whether they're lifelong learners with a fascination for the subject or college students interested in pursuing geology or earth sciences...
Get a rock-solid grasp on geology Geology is the study of the earth's history as well as the physical and chemical processes that continue to shape the earth today. Jobs in the geosciences are expected to increase over the next decade, which will increase geology-related jobs...
Eiszeiten, Vulkanismus, Erosion, Meteoriteneinschl?ge - unser Planet hat in seiner Geschichte schon einiges mitgemacht. Und so vielgestaltig die Erde aussieht, so umfangreich und komplex ist auch das Thema Geologie. Aber keine Sorge, Alecia Spooner erkl?rt Ihnen leicht verst?ndlich...