Childhood by Leo Tolstoy is an exploration of the inner life of a young boy. Tolstoy is a masterful writer, and this book was an instant success when it was first published in Russia. Created by one of the most highly acclaimed authors of all-time, this is an accomplished work...
First published in 1852, Lev Tolstoy's Childhood details the life of Nikolenka, an aristocratic boy in 19th century Russia. With characters drawn in Tolstoy's life-like, realistic style, this brilliant first work gives readers a glimpse into the changing social landscape of imperial...
Childhood is the first published novel by Leo Tolstoy, released under the initials L. N. in the November 1852 issue of the popular Russian literary journal The Contemporary. It is the first in a series of three novels and is followed by Boyhood and Youth. Published when Tolstoy...
Childhood is a semi-autobiographical novel written by Leo Tolstoy, first published in 1852. The book is the first part of Tolstoy's trilogy, which also includes Boyhood and Youth. The novel is set in the 1830s and follows the childhood of a young boy named Nikolai Irtenev, who...
Kindheit - Autobiographische Novelle ist ein unver nderter, hochwertiger Nachdruck der Originalausgabe. Hansebooks ist Herausgeber von Literatur zu unterschiedlichen Themengebieten wie Forschung und Wissenschaft, Reisen und Expeditionen, Kochen und Ern hrung, Medizin und weiteren...
The artistic work of Leo Tolstoy has been described as "nothing less than one tremendous diary kept for over fifty years." This particular "diary" begins with Tolstoy's first published work, which was written when he was only 23. A semi-autobiographical work, it recounts two...
The artistic work of Leo Tolstoy has been described as "nothing less than one tremendous diary kept for over fifty years." This particular "diary" begins with Tolstoy's first published work, which was written when he was only 23. A semi-autobiographical work, it recounts two...
The artistic work of Leo Tolstoy has been described as "nothing less than one tremendous diary kept for over fifty years." This particular "diary" begins with Tolstoy's first published work, which was written when he was only 23. A semi-autobiographical work, it recounts two...
The artistic work of Leo Tolstoy has been described as "nothing less than one tremendous diary kept for over fifty years." This particular "diary" begins with Tolstoy's first published work, which was written when he was only 23. A semi-autobiographical work, it recounts two...
The artistic work of Leo Tolstoy has been described as "nothing less than one tremendous diary kept for over fifty years." This particular "diary" begins with Tolstoy's first published work, which was written when he was only 23. A semi-autobiographical work, it recounts two...
Childhood is the first published novel by Leo Tolstoy, released under the initials L. N. in the November 1852 issue of the popular Russian literary journal The Contemporary. It is the first in a series of three novels and is followed by Boyhood and Youth. Published when...