Turn your project management into Gameful Project Management by applying Self-Gamification, a unique approach uniting anthropology, kaizen, and gamification
Projects are the building blocks of our professional and personal lives. So, to live joyfully, we need a joyful approach to our projects.
You might currently enjoy your projects and be utterly motivated by them. But what do you do when there is no flow, and you feel stuck? It happens to all of us from time to time.
Turning projects and project management into fun games can help.
This little awareness booster shows you how to recognize that projects and project management tasks are already games, and that you are both the designer and the player of them.
It points to the tools you already have at your disposal, but are unaware of, to help you turn your project management into Gameful Project Management.
It explains how to use games, game thinking, and gamification along with awareness and small-step progress, to improve performance in your project management, without considerable investments in expensive technology or new personnel, and without the aim of these goals or forcing change.
This book offers actionable advice on how to use the power of fun as the tool and the compass for turning your project management into engaging games, for you and everyone else involved.
Topics discussed in the book:
Why Turn Project Management Into Games?What Projects Should Be Turned into Games?When Should Projects Be Turned into Games?By Whom and Where Should Project Management Be Turned into Games?How Should Projects Be Turned into Games?Gameful Project Management and the Synergy of ThreeAchieving Improvement Without Forcing ItGameful Project Management and Its Focus on Success Instead of FailureGameful Project Management Versus Project Management GamificationGameful Project Management versus Serious GamesDefining Gameful Project ManagementDesigners and Players: The Main Feature of Gameful Project ManagementFun is Not a Bonus; It's a Must for SuccessEvery Game is a Project; Every Project is a GameApproaching Goals AnthropologicallyEmbracing the Project Game RulesAt Least Four Feedback Systems in Real-Life Project GamesVoluntary Participation in Gameful Project ManagementCultivating Gameful Project ManagementIf you'd like to make your project management not only effective and productive but also entertaining and fun, have a look inside or buy now.