This is a story about learning to navigate health conditions without judgement; making progress towards healing in small, incremental steps; and approaching those steps with a fun, gameful attitude.
What is one of life's biggest delusions?
The belief that you are invincible and will live without ever becoming ill. And that if you overcome one challenge, you will never be challenged again. And to believe those who say they are never sick, or never have any problems, and to compare yourself to them.
It is also a delusion to believe that your discomfort is something strange, that should be fought against.
Victoria could fill a whole book with her delusions. But they are not the main characters of this particular story, although they make an appearance.
Some time after learning that a person striving toward tolerance could be completely intolerant to many things (especially foods), Victoria embarked on an adventure to explore the world of challenging health conditions, and herself within it, gamefully.
She drew inspiration form games, play, and anything that resembles the two, as well as learning from those who live their lives in a fun and enlightened way. In the process she created games and fictitious characters to explore her present and her past, uncovering the amazing unity between herself, her mind, and her body.
Topics addressed in this memoir: