In the first installment of the Galactic Satori Chronicles, Asher Carson lost his fianc e to an alien attack. He and his friends channeled his anger and grief into the ultimate weapon against alien technology. Human emotions were the one thing the Kron didn't account for when they started their attack on Earth.
In the time after his initial adventure, Asher, now known as Magnus, has been working to stop the next Kron attack in Nicaragua. Magnus stops the attack in time but pays dearly for his troubles. He and his team are shot through space to the aliens' home world of Kron. There, Magnus meets with the alien queen, Katerra. Katerra reveals shocking information about the Kron's war against Earth, and Magnus will have to make a decision that could have devastating consequences for more than one planet.
Meanwhile, back on Earth, Magnus's allies are desperate to get him back. Mira, Zarabeythe, Josephina, and Jules-four MIT coeds biologically enhanced with alien technology-enact a daring plan to destroy the Kron threat once and for all. Their actions, however, could also mean the end for Magnus and his team.