An excellent read...........hard to believe that you can get a book for a college class for under $20 new and for it to be such an enjoyable read.
Ed Cornish is a leading thought leader in the futures industry and has written an excellent overview to understanding what futures work is all about. As a practicing futurist who also teaches futures forecasting, this book has been valuable for my clients and students to better understand theory, practice and methods. I would highly recommend this book for business, social or public leaders who want to know how to use the...
First, I want to say that the topic of "futures" is not for all people. One must want to be able to think beyond and use available tools in the area of forecasting. Cornish's Futuring - The Exploration of the Future is one of those tools. Cornish truly has written a book that assists the Future's reader in forecasting the future via exposing risk and the effects of that risk on one's managing or potential management of either...
Edward Cornish is editor of The Futurist Magazine, and while his Futuring: The Exploration Of the Future could easily have been featured in our nonfiction columns, it's recommended here for science fiction fans used to considering the future. Cornish's focus is upon the trends, ideas, and innovations driving the world: his Futuring envisions the job of exploring the future as a trailblazing pioneer of prediction, considering...
Thinking ahead is the great need of our times as the rapid pace of technological and social change affects work, home, education, health, amusements, environment and even religion. Futuring helps to understand trends, identify opportunities, and avoid dangers; it is a powerful way for individuals and organizations to create a better future. We cannot predict the future in detail but long-term shifts in population, land use,...