Family Classic's, Fury "The Brave Stallion". Whether you remember Fury from its original airing between 1955 and 1960, or first saw the adventures of Joey (Bobby Diamond) and his "Brave Stallion" during its many years of subsequent syndication, you'll still find these timeless...
The story of a horse, and the boy who loved him.
Joe Wilson, a wrongly jailed man thought to have died in a blaze started by a bloodthirsty lynch mob, is somehow alive...but dead to all he ever stood for and perhaps ever will be, because Joe aims to ensure his would-be executioners meet the fate that he miraculously escaped...
Joe Wilson, a wrongly jailed man thought to have died in a blaze started by a bloodthirsty lynch mob, is somehow alive...but dead to all he ever stood for and perhaps ever will be, because Joe aims to ensure his would-be executioners meet the fate that he miraculously escaped...
Joey, the adopted son of a widowed rancher, and his faithful horse, Fury, find wild adventures and delightful mischief around every corner.