Human beings, they say, are the only creatures that can laugh, if you don't count the hyena, that is This little book is intended to tickle one's funny-bone, and generate exactly that - laughter - The work is, therefore, targeted at a reader with the ability to laugh And, everyone can, if they choose to Humour is a stress-buster, the much-needed comic-relief that's always oxygen when life gets tough, and who doesn't have tiresome moments? If they have the morning happiness with their sunny-side-up fried-egg, so too they may enjoy Funny-Side Up
Although the poems here are generally under the head of Humour, they are a medley of pure fun, nonsense, satire and tongue-in-cheek. Anuradha Paul has happily indulged in poetic licence and has not only played on words but coined them too Her poetry is said to provides comic relief at poetry meets, where, they say, she "conjures up the funny side of life out of the work-a-day kitchen, food, parking, kids, the computer and, of course, the literary page".
Humour is not a subject, but a way of looking at things. In fact, when things get too serious, all the equipment one has left in one's armory is the ability to view things with a pinch of humour that can lighten the load. The fun has been enhanced by Rohan Chakravarty's cartoons. He has conceived the character, Anna, a yours-truly look-alike, who he threads right through all the cartoons in this little book, like a comic refrain.
Cover Design: Rohan Chakravarty
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