Gain a focused understanding of today's corporate finance and financial management with the market-leading approach in Brigham/Houston's FUNDAMENTALS OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, CONCISE EDITION, 7E. This book's unique balance of clear concepts, contemporary theory, and practical...
Updated with the latest trends, developments, and practices from the field, Brigham/Houston's FUNDAMENTALS OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, 15e equips you with a thorough understanding of today's corporate finance and financial management. This longtime market leader offers insight into...
Equipping you with a solid understanding of real-world corporate finance and financial management, Brigham/Houston's market-leading FUNDAMENTALS OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, CONCISE EDITION 9E offers a unique balance of the latest theory and hands-on applications. Extremely student...
Thoroughly updated to reflect the latest trends, developments, and practices from the field, FUNDAMENTALS OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, 14e equips you with a focused understanding of today's corporate finance and financial management. This market-leading text offers a unique balance...
"Brigham/Houston: A Classic, redefined...because a classic never goes out of style." The market leader, Brigham/Houston, continues to grow in reputation and amount of users as the most effective approach for teaching the first undergraduate corporate finance course. The seamless,...
Concise, with strong pedagogical features, offers an appropriate mix of intuitive explanations, numerical examples, and real-world applications in a concise and lucid format. Comprehensive and thorough, Concise provides an outstanding coverage of bond valuation and interest rates...