Fun Size is a teen comedy centered on a high school senior, Wren (Victoria Justice), who is eager to distance herself from her dysfunctional family by going off to college. Before that can happen, Wren's mother Joy insists that she watch her little brother Albert on Halloween...
Fun Size is a teen comedy centered on a high school senior, Wren (Victoria Justice), who is eager to distance herself from her dysfunctional family by going off to college. Before that can happen, Wren's mother Joy insists that she watch her little brother Albert on Halloween...
Fun Size is a teen comedy centered on a high school senior, Wren (Victoria Justice), who is eager to distance herself from her dysfunctional family by going off to college. Before that can happen, Wren's mother Joy insists that she watch her little brother Albert on Halloween...
Fun Size is a teen comedy centered on a high school senior, Wren (Victoria Justice), who is eager to distance herself from her dysfunctional family by going off to college. Before that can happen, Wren's mother Joy insists that she watch her little brother Albert on Halloween...
Fun Size is a teen comedy centered on a high school senior, Wren (Victoria Justice), who is eager to distance herself from her dysfunctional family by going off to college. Before that can happen, Wren's mother Joy insists that she watch her little brother Albert on Halloween...
Fun Size is a teen comedy centered on a high school senior, Wren (Victoria Justice), who is eager to distance herself from her dysfunctional family by going off to college. Before that can happen, Wren's mother Joy insists that she watch her little brother Albert on Halloween...