Now the subject of the hit documentary Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood , praised by Vanity Fair as "full of revelations" and Entertainment Weekly as "deliciously salacious," Full Service is the remarkable true story of Scotty Bowers, the "gentleman hustler," during the heyday of classic Hollywood. Newly discharged from the Marines after World War II, Bowers arrived in Hollywood in 1946. Young, charismatic, and strikingly handsome, he quickly...
In old Hollywood, gossip was hard currency, and there were two doyennes who dealt in the coin of the realm: one a frustrated former actress, and the other a queen of yellow journalism who spent decades working for William Randolph Hurst. Hedda Hopper and Louella Parsons served as the moral arbiters to the stars. Their hold over Hollywood, alongside the famous Hays code, controlled the lives of stars of the silver screen in unexpected ways.