Your God given identity, purpose, and destiny are irrevocable.
The adventure waiting for you in The Kingdom is the opportunity to discover these truths and actively align with them. Along the way, one should never underestimate the powerful role that the Kingdom principle of redemption will play in this process. The prophetic promise first uttered by Kim Clement that, "Your place of pain shall become your place of reign," serves as a powerful theme that runs throughout every page of "From the Cult to The Kingdom." Dubb Alexander's personal story is one of ultimate redemption and emphatically points to the hand of a good, kind, and loving heavenly Father working behind the scenes to take everything that the enemy meant for evil and masterfully working it for the good of an entire nation. Follow the compelling journey of a young man from the streets of Dallas as he navigates through the controlling abuse of a cult in Waco, TX, discovers the truths of The Kingdom, and ultimately steps into his destiny of bringing the strategies of Heaven to heads of state around the world.