This book is not a general software business reference, like our MicroISV book or the Eric Sink book. It's specifically for readers who have an existing project, or an idea for one, and want to turn it into a product. They can follow this book for the best chance of success. It is written in a non-technical, friendly, conversational style, and is filled with excerpts, advice, and war stories from someone who's been in the trenches for years.
I think this book is most valuable for non-techies. Smolin does a pretty good job at explaining to them in easy-to-understand terms the overall picture and details like how databases work, etc. If you are a developer already, I'm not sure I can say this book would be as valuable to you as it would be to a non-developer. I definitely disagree with the above reviewer who rated it 5 and said "for the millions of programmers...
Mr. Smolin's book isn't for the Sergei Brins or the Linus Torvalds of the world. If you think that the author is going to reveal the most sure-fire software development environment that will have the greatest chance of acceptance in the marketplace, you'd better look elsewhere. Actually, there IS no elsewhere because there is no such source that can deliver on such a claim. Those that think that Mr. Smolin should have...
Most programmers at some point think they have something they've built that, with a little luck and hard work, can be the next Visicalc of the computer world. In reality, there's a lot more that goes into it than that. Rocky Smolin talks about that process in the book From Program to Product: Turning Your Code into a Saleable Product. You'll know some of the stuff already, but it will keep you from making some other mistakes...