In the near future, a forensic investigator communicates his concerns to his superior regarding a murder suspect whose name keeps popping up in the testimonies of other criminals whose cases have baffled the police for decades.
A taxi dispatcher tells of a murderous nightshift driver convinced he was immortal.
A short-order cook at a desolate truck stop describes the events that occurred in the wake of a lone drifter that left a trail of crystalized blood.
A police officer's strange interview about a beheaded victim from his cell in a mental institution.
A successful audio engineer's drug-fueled misadventure leads him to rescue someone he may never escape from.
A confession from a man who kills his sister's ex-boyfriend.
There is the case of a woman arrested for living in a mausoleum who claimed she dated the suspect.
The odd testimony from a moon base phlebotomist about a disappearing impostor who bathed in blood.
An interplanetary bureaucrat's account of his own pursuit of the suspect for crimes in the past.
The depictions of the suspect and the experiences of each eyewitness lead the investigator into a logically inexplicable rabbit hole of possibilities making his continued pursuit if the truth seem beyond his reach.