Set in the Limberlost Swamp area of Indiana, "Freckles" is American writer and naturalist Gene Stratton-Porter's 1904 novel about the titular character, a one-handed adult orphan who takes a job guarding timber in the swamp. Freckles has lived all his life in a Chicago orphanage...
Freckles by Gene Stratton-Porter is a heartwarming story about an orphaned boy with a mysterious past who finds a job protecting a beautiful forest. As he bravely defends the forest from thieves and discovers his true identity, he also finds friendship and love. This must-have...
Freckles (1904) is a novel by Gene Stratton-Porter. An immediate bestseller, Freckles-her second novel-established Stratton-Porter's reputation as a leading naturalist and writer of the American Midwest. Written for children and adults alike, Freckles...
In this companion book to the much-loved classic A Girl of the Limberlost, an orphaned teenager longs to find his place in the world. Freckles was discovered on the doorstep of a Chicago orphanage, badly beaten and missing a hand. He yearns for the fulfillment of useful...
In Freckles a homeless waif finds his deliverance in the primeval Limberlost swamp. Maimed and abandoned as an infant, Freckles seeks a chance to prove his worth. He is given that opportunity as the guard of the precious timber of the Limberlost.
Freckles is a novel written by the American writer and naturalist Gene Stratton-Porter. It is primarily set in the Limberlost Swamp area of Indiana, with brief scenes set in Chicago. The title character also appears briefly in Porter's A Girl of the Limberlost.
Freckles By Gene Stratton-Porter Freckles is a 1904 novel written by the American writer and naturalist Gene Stratton-Porter. It is primarily set in the Limberlost Swamp area of Indiana, with brief scenes set in Chicago. The title character also appears briefly in Porter's A...
Freckles is a novel written by the American writer and naturalist Gene Stratton-Porter. It is primarily set in the Limberlost Swamp area of Indiana, with brief scenes set in Chicago. The title character also appears briefly in Porter's A Girl of the Limberlost. The novel is marked...
In Freckles a homeless waif finds his deliverance in the primeval Limberlost swamp. Maimed and abandoned as an infant, Freckles seeks a chance to prove his worth. He is given that opportunity as the guard of the precious timber of the Limberlost.