An unexpected friendship leads to a life-changing story in this timeless classic by Newbery Honor author Rodman Philbrick. Freak the Mighty joins the Scholastic Gold line, which features award-winning and beloved novels. Includes exclusive bonus...
A 20th anniversary edition honors this unforgettable, classic story of two boys who are teased and harassed until they join forces and become invincible. Now with thirty-two pages of added content It has been twenty years--and more than two million copies, eight foreign...
Two boys - a slow learner stuck in the body of a teenage giant and a tiny Einstein in leg braces - forge a unique friendship when they pair up to create one formidable human force. (Made into the film, The Mighty.) * \u201cA wonderful story of triumph over imperfection, shame,...
Two boys--a slow learner stuck in the body of a teenage giant and a tiny genius in leg braces--forge a unique friendship when they pair up to create one formidable human force. Basis for the film The Mighty. Named as an ALA Best Book for Young Adults.