""Francisco The Filipino"" is a historical fiction novel written by Burtis Mcgie Little and published in 1915. The story revolves around the life of Francisco, a young Filipino boy who grows up during the Spanish colonization of the Philippines. The book depicts the struggles...
""Francisco The Filipino"" is a book written by Burtis Mcgie Little in 1915. The book tells the story of Francisco, a young Filipino boy living in the Philippines during the American occupation. Francisco's father is a farmer who is struggling to make ends meet, and his mother...
Francisco the Filipino is a historical novel that tells the story of Francisco Maniago, a Filipino soldier who fought against the Spanish and the Americans during the Philippine Revolution and the Philippine-American War. Little's book provides a vivid picture of life in the...
Francisco the Filipino is a historical novel that tells the story of Francisco Maniago, a Filipino soldier who fought against the Spanish and the Americans during the Philippine Revolution and the Philippine-American War. Little's book provides a vivid picture of life in the...