Following the death of her mother, young Charlotte is rescued by Davis Byrde, and they marry right before the beginning of the Civil War. When the war ends, Charlie is left a widow, living in the Byrde family farmhouse. After tragic events take place, two men are left dead and...
Charlotte, Charlie, Byrde was alone at her home in Tennessee when three men came to her door. They claimed to be relatives of her late husband and his grandmother. She invited them in and rather than thanking her for her hospitality, they assaulted her and demanded she marry...
Following the death of her mother, young Charlotte is rescued by Davis Byrde, and they marry right before the beginning of the Civil War. When the war ends, Charlie is left a widow, living in the Byrde family farmhouse. After tragic events take place, two men are left dead and...
Following the death of her mother, young Charlotte is rescued by Davis Byrde, and they marry right before the beginning of the Civil War. When the war ends, Charlie is left a widow, living in the Byrde family farmhouse. After tragic events take place, two men are left dead and...
Following the death of her mother, young Charlotte is rescued by Davis Byrde, and they marry right before the beginning of the Civil War. When the war ends, Charlie is left a widow, living in the Byrde family farmhouse. After tragic events take place, two men are left dead and...
Following the death of her mother, young Charlotte is rescued by Davis Byrde, and they marry right before the beginning of the Civil War. When the war ends, Charlie is left a widow, living in the Byrde family farmhouse. After tragic events take place, two men are left dead and...
Following the death of her mother, young Charlotte is rescued by Davis Byrde, and they marry right before the beginning of the Civil War. When the war ends, Charlie is left a widow, living in the Byrde family farmhouse. After tragic events take place, two men are left dead and...
Following the death of her mother, young Charlotte is rescued by Davis Byrde, and they marry right before the beginning of the Civil War. When the war ends, Charlie is left a widow, living in the Byrde family farmhouse. After tragic events take place, two men are left dead and...
Following the death of her mother, young Charlotte is rescued by Davis Byrde, and they marry right before the beginning of the Civil War. When the war ends, Charlie is left a widow, living in the Byrde family farmhouse. After tragic events take place, two men are left dead and...