Carl Ross has spent over four decades inside the world of police work. His memoir takes the reader on patrol, into investigations, on SWAT calls, and inside the chief's office, all the while explaining what officers do and why. Forever Blue has more than 225 true stories taken from the author's files and unforgettable encounters.
The following samples of the book's stories give a glimpse of the variety of experiences in store for the reader: the best way to have a wreck in a police car; the murderer and the band saw; suicides in progress; one nightstick too many; all knives look sharp when pointed at your stomach; on scene during the UT Tower massacre; a cop killer's parole hearing - 30 years later; a Texas Ranger's story; 3 weeks at Ground Zero; the Green Goo case; SWAT saves a family; when the dog barks - pay attention; a killer in the bushes; the captain's foot chase; why the fire department called the police; terrible collisions; when bad cops cross the line; heroes who gave it all; SWAT and "knock-knock" come calling; count the police cars before a burglary, and ", don't shoot."
Ride along with Carl Ross as he meets honest citizens, drunks, thieves, drug dealers, murderers, and even politicians. Learn why police work is not for everyone and how it can become the ultimate life choice for others.
There is more, much more, on the book's website. There you will find background information, photos, a professional review, and additional reading.
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