Inspector Francis Xavier Flynn, also known as international superspy N. N. 13, returns in this final book of the intelligently written, scintillating series by bestselling author Gregory Mcdonald. Severely lacking in sleep from a recent bout of marathon investigative...
When Boston Police Inspector Francis Xavier Flynn's barely adolescent daughter asks him to rescue her friend Billy from the cemetery, where he's been fastened to a tree by a nail through his earlobe, the good inspector is pretty sure there's something more behind what at first...
Inspector Francis Xavier Flynn, also known as international superspy N. N. 13, returns in this final book of the intelligently written, scintillating series by bestselling author Gregory Mcdonald. Severely lacking in sleep from a recent bout of marathon investigative...
Inspector Francis Xavier Flynn, also known as international superspy N. N. 13, returns in this final book of the intelligently written, scintillating series by bestselling author Gregory Mcdonald. Severely lacking in sleep from a recent bout of marathon investigative...
Inspector Francis Xavier Flynn, also known as international superspy N. N. 13, returns in this final book of the intelligently written, scintillating series by bestselling author Gregory Mcdonald. Severely lacking in sleep from a recent bout of marathon investigative...