Boston Police inspector and undercover international spy F. X. Flynn is back in this third rollicking installment of the Flynn series. Finding himself in a complicated and sensitive dilemma, Police Commissioner Eddy D'Esopo summons Inspector Flynn to an extravagant country...
Boston Police inspector and undercover international spy F. X. Flynn is back in this third rollicking installment of the Flynn series. Finding himself in a complicated and sensitive dilemma, Police Commissioner Eddy D'Esopo summons Inspector Flynn to an extravagant country...
Boston Police inspector and undercover international spy F. X. Flynn is back in this third rollicking installment of the Flynn series. Finding himself in a complicated and sensitive dilemma, Police Commissioner Eddy D'Esopo summons Inspector Flynn to an extravagant country...
When it comes to crime, Boston Police Inspector and part-time intelligence agent, Francis Xavier Flynn is no stranger to the bizarre, the perverse, or the ridiculous. But when he is suddenly summoned by Police Commissioner D'Esopo to a secret wilderness compound far outside of...
When it comes to crime, Boston Police Inspector and part-time intelligence agent, Francis Xavier Flynn is no stranger to the bizarre, the perverse, or the ridiculous. But when he is suddenly summoned by Police Commissioner D'Esopo to a secret wilderness compound far outside of...
Boston Police inspector and undercover international spy F. X. Flynn is back in this third rollicking installment of the Flynn series. Finding himself in a complicated and sensitive dilemma, Police Commissioner Eddy D'Esopo summons Inspector Flynn to an extravagant country...
Boston Police inspector and undercover international spy F. X. Flynn is back in this third rollicking installment of the Flynn series. Finding himself in a complicated and sensitive dilemma, Police Commissioner Eddy D'Esopo summons Inspector Flynn to an extravagant country...