Susmitha, a twenty two years aged psychology student, who was trying to get doctorate in criminal psychology has been allotted with a criminal Mangolitha Esthamavo whom she has to meet and study in jail, submit a paper on him and attend a vivo also on that as a final phase in getting her doctorate. But she learnt that criminal has not been talking with anyone and was strictly limited only to his routine for a long time, she was very much disappointed but decided to meet him and try her level best. When she met that criminal in the jail and pleaded with him to cooperate and interact with her to study him to get her doctorate, he agreed the same but asked her to do a favour to that. That favour was; she has to meet a woman Suvenia in a village in the corner of the country and tell her the sentence 'this is the flower blossomed in a different place'. What happened when Susmitha met that woman and told that sentence was the story of this novel 'Flower of the Mist'.