In the early days of World War II, fate pits two brothers--both ace fighter pilots--against each other: Max Kelso with the German Luftwaffe and Harry in Britain's RAF. Now, the machinery of war has set in motion an intrigue so devious, so filled with peril, that it will require...
In the early days of World War II, nations were forced to choose sides in the epic battle that would change history forever. But for two brothers, fate had already made the choice. Separated as boys, Max and Harry Kelso have grown up to become ace fighter pilots--Max with...
In the early days of World War II, nations were forced to choose sides in the epic battle that would change history forever. But for two brothers, fate had already made the choice. Separated as boys, Max and Harry Kelso have grown up to become ace fighter pilots--Max with...
For decades, Higgins has been giving his readers the best in international suspense. ?If there were ever going to be a commando team composed of writers,? the editors of the Book-of-the-Month Club wrote recently, ?Jack Higgins would have to be their leader. He seems to know precisely...
For decades, Higgins has been giving his readers the best in international suspense. ?If there were ever going to be a commando team composed of writers,? the editors of the Book-of-the-Month Club wrote recently, ?Jack Higgins would have to be their leader. He seems to know precisely...