I read this work will reading Mahan (whom Huges is very critical of) and found them to both contain the part the other lacks. Mahan, focusing on national policy, neglects the importance of tactics and their evolution. Hughes, however, states that tactics have universal pillers that remain despite the evloution in technology.Hughes shows that the most curcial part of tactics is the situtation; his analsis that Nelson's strength...
Although written as a text book. A person can read this book and get an appreciation of the problems of naval warfare particularly involving fleet. Many historical problems that I have heard. Such as why the German's in WW1 did not use their fleet much more and why the Japanese kept splitting their fleet in WW2 are explained here very well. I have learnt a lot from this book.
The book is a very good summary about five principles of naval tactics (Scouting, Command, Doctrine, Information, Training ) that could apply almost wherever there are forces in conflict or complex actions integrated by several people. These principles are clarified with historical battles and their results. It also include the evolution of naval tactis with techology.
Captain Hughes is the first person to formulate a method of tactical thought geared for naval officers (vice policy-wonks in the world's defense establishments). While on initial perusal, the book appears to be a historical survey, Hughes actual aim is to inspire naval officers to develop a methodology for tactical analysis which can be applied to real-world tactical problems. He provides simple examples of operations...
i read this one from cover-to-cover in a short time. i felt i definitely got my money's worth.