In Agatha Christie's classic, Five Little Pigs, beloved detective Hercule Poirot races to solve a case from out of the past. Beautiful Caroline Crale was convicted of poisoning her husband, but just like the nursery rhyme, there were five other "little...
Hercule Poirot must solve a baffling case from the past in this classic Agatha Christie mystery. Now with a beautiful new series look. Beautiful Caroline Crale was convicted of poisoning her husband, yet there were five other suspects:...
Una joven acude al detective Hercules Poirot para que resuelva un crimen cometido diecis is a os atr s, lograr resolver este misterio? Caroline Crale es condenada por el asesinato de su esposo, el pintor Amyas Crale, diecis is a os atr s. Ahora, la hija de ambos,...
Take one dead lothario; add his jealous wife accused of his murder; toss in a devoted daughter who wants to clear her mother's name, and you get one of the greatest challenges of Hercule Poirot's career.