The series begins with the Peppers in their native state and develops with their rescue by a wealthy gentleman who takes an interest in the family. The story of young people's lives is not complete without many and broad glimpses of their school days. It was...
The story of young people's lives is not complete without many and broad glimpses of their school days. It was impossible to devote the space to this recital of the Five Little Peppers' school life, in the books that showed their growing up. The author, therefore, was obliged...
"Come on, Pepper." One of the boys rushed down the dormitory hall, giving a bang on Joel's door as he passed."All right," said Joel a bit crossly, "I'm coming.""Last bell," came back on the wind.Joel threw his tennis racket on the bed, and scowled. Just then a flaxen head peeped...
The series begins with the Peppers in their native state and develops with their rescue by a wealthy gentleman who takes an interest in the family. The story of young people's lives is not complete without many and broad glimpses of their school days. It was...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original...
"Come on, Pepper." One of the boys rushed down the dormitory hall, giving a bang on Joel's door as he passed. "All right," said Joel a bit crossly, "I'm coming." "Last bell," came back on the wind. Joel threw his tennis racket on the bed, and scowled. Just then a flaxen head...
This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for...
""Five Little Peppers At School"" is a classic children's book written by Margaret Sidney and first published in 1903. The story follows the lives of the five Pepper children - Ben, Polly, Joel, Davie, and Phronsie - as they attend school for the first time. The children are...
The Five Little Peppers are off to school - Joel and Davie at a boys' boarding school, Polly, Phronsie and Ben at home. At first the storyline shifts between the boys and the girls, until the boys come home for the holidays and all the children are caught up in plans to help...
The story of young people's lives is not complete without many and broad glimpses of their school days. It was impossible to devote the space to this recital of the Five Little Peppers' school life, in the books that showed their growing up. The author, therefore, was obliged...
The story of young people's lives is not complete without many and broad glimpses of their school days. It was impossible to devote the space to this recital of the Five Little Peppers' school life, in the books that showed their growing up. The author, therefore, was obliged...