Fishing Log Book: Journal With Prompts You Can Track & Record Your Fishing Trips Including Location, Weather, Bait, Fish Caught, Weight & Notes
This Fishing Log Book is perfect for that avid fisherman in your life. Every tackle box should come equipped with this notebook. Writing all your important information in this log book will help you keep track and remember everything about your fishing trip. Interior includes a space for you to write the day/date, location (where you fished), weather conditions, bait used, fish caught and weight. There are also lined pages for notes about your trip such as your favorite adventures or experience, any other details you may want or choose to write, moon/tide phase or water conditions, what a good time you had, whether you want to go back or won't ever, even paste a photo of your catch of the day. Journals and notebooks are a perfect way to start recording your success and any patterns that make you truly successful. It's a great, ideal gift for any serious or future fisherman would love to get. Easy to use & makes the best birthday present for anglers, fly fishermen, bass, catfish, whatever you catch. Buy one today
Size is 6x9 inches, soft matte finish cover, 104 page journal.