Finding "The Good" In "The Bad"
Over the years I've experienced, as many of us do, a wide range of challenging situations and feelings; emotional turmoil, sadness, disappointment, anger, frustration, anxiety and even depression. I've also, as you would expect (or maybe hope), experienced just as many positive situations, periods of happiness and apparent abundance.Happiness (in life) is something we all want, something we all look for and thankfully, something many of us find. Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting we're supposed to be happy all of the time. We're designed to feel a whole range of emotions and experiencing them all serves a purpose.
The issue I've always had is that the onset of emotions has always felt a little too random, a little too unpredictable. For example, you get bad news and feel sad, down, upset, even angry and that's fine, that's a normal response to getting that bad news. The problem is, when do you feel good again? In an hour? The next day? Once you've had a glass of wine?
What I've found is that the answer is actually really simple. The answer is, you get to decide when you feel happy. That's right, happiness is a choice.