""Fighting An Omen: Or Happy Is The Bride That The Sun Shines On"" is a novel written by E. Henderson Smith and first published in 1883. The story is set in colonial India and follows the life of a young British officer named Ronald Keith, who falls in love with a beautiful Indian...
""Fighting An Omen: Or Happy Is The Bride That The Sun Shines On"" is a novel written by E. Henderson Smith and published in 1883. The story revolves around the protagonist, a young woman named Edith, who is engaged to be married to a wealthy and influential man. However, on...
""Fighting An Omen: Or Happy Is The Bride That The Sun Shines On"" is a novel written by E. Henderson Smith and published in 1883. The story is set in the late 19th century and follows the lives of two young women, Edith and Alice, who are engaged to be married. However, their...