What a wonderful book to add to my cookbook collection. Frest figs are not plentiful where I live but I love them! Now, thanks to this great book, I now have many inventive and delicious ways to prepare this fruit, dried or fresh-all year round! Kudos to Marie Sommons!
After buying a house with a large fig tree in the winter, my wife and I were astounded to see the size of the crop that appeared come the summer. So what do you do after you've begged all of your friends to come over and take bags of figs home, made fig-strawberry jam, eaten figs with cheese until you can't any more, and still have piles on the tree and higher piles on the ground? You run out and buy the Fig Heaven cookbook...
An absolutely incredible book on figs - from the mythical and biblical history to the botany and cultivation to the recipes, Fig Heaven is the definitive fig cookbook. For those of us without access to fresh figs on a regular (if ever) basis, Simmons supplies recipes that utilize a number of dried figs that are available year round in most larger grocery and specialty stores. Recipes are easy to follow and very good! From...