Fifty Famous Stories Retold (1895), the classic collection of lore recounted by James Baldwin, serves as an early foundation for the love of literature. This volume was widely used in the United States public school system as a primer of many of the most enduring...
No book is better for introducing children ages 6 to 9 to legendary historical figures than this collection of stories admirably retold by James Baldwin at the beginning of the last century. Selecting the best of our literary heritage, Baldwin cast it into a form that delights...
James Baldwin has collected fifty wonderful stories, including Robin Hood, William Tell, King Alfred And Julius Caesar. Your child will be delighted to hear or read these, and will not only be entertained, but learn about history and folklore. These stories will also help lay...
Fifty Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin , who after a long career in education, went on to become a widely published textbook editor and children's author in the subjects of legends, mythology, biography, and literature, among others.
Differentiated book- It has a historical context with research of the time-Fifty Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin.No book is better at introducing children ages 6 to 9 to legendary historical figures than this collection of stories admirably told by James Baldwin at the...
An unabridged, digitally enlarged edition with modern typeface and all original illustrations - an excellent introduction to classic literature and legendary historical figures and historic episodes.
"Fifty interesting short stories including Diogenes the Wise Man, Alexander and Bucephalus, Socrates and His House, Julius Cesar, The Blind Men and the Elephant, A Story of Robin Hood, Sir Walter Raleigh, Pocahontas, The King and his Hawk, Casablanca, A Story of William Tell,...