Fife And Drum At Louisbourg is a historical fiction novel written by James Macdonald Oxley and published in 1899. The story is set in 1745 during the French and Indian War, where the British army is preparing to attack the French fortress of Louisbourg in Nova Scotia. The main...
""Fife and Drum at Louisbourg"" is a historical novel written by James Macdonald Oxley and published in 1899. The book is set in the mid-18th century during the French and Indian War and follows the adventures of two young boys, Jack and Peter, who join the British army as musicians...
This captivating historical novel tells the story of a young Scottish soldier who finds himself stationed at Louisbourg, a French fortress in 18th century Nova Scotia. Through his experiences in love, war, and camaraderie, he becomes intertwined in the conflict between England...
This captivating historical novel tells the story of a young Scottish soldier who finds himself stationed at Louisbourg, a French fortress in 18th century Nova Scotia. Through his experiences in love, war, and camaraderie, he becomes intertwined in the conflict between England...