A richly illustrated, portable field guide to flycatcher identification
The identification of Empidonax flycatchers and pewees can be a daunting challenge for even the most seasoned birder. Field Guide to North American Flycatchers takes bird identification to an entirely new level by training readers to observe subtle differences in structure, color patterns, and vocalizations before delving into the finer details of a particular species. Because the plumages of flycatchers are so similar, this one-of-a-kind guide uses illustrations that highlight slight variances among species that photos often miss. One of the last frontiers of bird identification is now accessible to everyone--once one knows what to look for.Combined with the second volume in the Field Guide to North American Flycatchers series, which focuses on kingbirds and Myiarchus flycatchers, these companion guides are the most comprehensive and accessible treatments of flycatcher identification to date.
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