"A magnificent storytelling feat" (The Boston Globe) story of lifelong friendship between two very different "superbly depicted" (The Wall Street Journal) women with shared histories, divisive loyalties, hidden sorrows, and eighty years of summers on a...
"A magnificent storytelling feat" (The Boston Globe) story of lifelong friendship between two very different "superbly depicted" (The Wall Street Journal) women with shared histories, divisive loyalties, hidden sorrows, and eighty years of summers on a...
The masterful story of a lifelong friendship between two very different women with shared histories and buried secrets, tested in the twilight of their lives, set across the arc of the 20th century. Celebrated children's book author Agnes Lee is determined to secure...
The masterful story of a lifelong friendship between two very different women with shared histories and buried secrets, tested in the twilight of their lives, set across the arc of the 20th century.Celebrated children's book author Agnes Lee is determined to secure her...