Meet Felix, the smallest fox you've ever seen. Felix is polite, kind, and very cute. But he has one unfulfilled wish: to grow up. The other animals refuse to play with Felix because he is very small. But what happens when Felix decides to find a wizard who will help him to fulfill his wish?
Felix and the magic carrot is a warm story of friendship and making the right decisions. With Felix, children will learn not to be selfish and to help others. Felix will show you the beauty of nature in a fun way. With this small fox, children will want to spend their day in nature swinging on branches and skipping rocks.
This story has wonderful rhymes that children will repeat over and over again. The book is full of colorful illustrations and is as enjoyable to look at as it is to read. The main hero, Felix, will convey a powerful message to the children; friendship is the most valuable thing.
This book is easy to read and suitable for all ages. You can take it with you wherever you imagine it: on the plane, in the waiting room, on the road...
Reading Felix and the magic carrot is the best way to wish your child a good night and the easiest way for your child to fall asleep peacefully and with a smile.
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