This cookbook addresses matters concerning the environment and conservation-befriending the Earth. Instead of trying to tackle the larger issues related to what is global warming, and being overwhelmed, and perhaps feeling defeated, he turns the attention to what is in our control. The focus is on what we as individuals in community can do to be better friends of Earth and one another with some practical suggestions and hopefully some inspiration as well. When addressing hot topics, like why are the King Salmon not swimming up the warmer Yukon to spawn, perhaps our best visiting can be done around a cookbook, or better yet, a canner. There is something therapeutic about taking a deep long breath and relaxing into peeling and cutting up vegetables, or preparing meat or fish to go into a jar in a canner and come out as a meal. Perhaps the book will persuade the reader to take some of the pressure off life, and even our beloved earth, by pressure canning jars of goodness with a friend or two.