Feel It Name It Accept It - Track Your Mood Flow To Increase Self Awareness And Happiness
We are trained to reject "negative" feelings and want to feel good all the time. The emotions we call "negative emotions" are part of us, trying to separate ourselves from them is a common mistake that leads to a lot of suffering and anxiety.
Multiple Studies recommend journaling because it can improve your mood and manage symptoms of depression and anxiety.
This simple yet effective journal was designed to dive in and out of 7 of our moods and get in touch with them to gain awareness and well-being.
What you will find in this journal:
140 prompts relating to 7 different moods: excited, fear, happy, angry, grateful, sad, and curiosity. on each page you will find a self-check-in page: Hydration, sleep, General mood, daily gratitude 7 Mood TrackerKeeping track of the movement of your daily emotions will help you gain awareness of your automatic responses to different situations. Obtaining mindfulness of your reactions to daily life challenges. Increase well-being by merely observing your moment to moment emotional experience.You are bound to discover new & exciting things about your behaviors and reactions.Knowledge is power - When you observe the pattern - You can change itRemember - allowing yourself to feel a variety of emotions on the scale between pleasant and painful - is to be who you - to love yourself truly. Skip the new-age bullshit and do the work. You will not regret it