A novel for our times: Fax and His Adventures to Prevent Climate Change.
The world needs a hero ... The world needed someone that is strong. Someone that is assassination proof. Someone to tell the leaders of the world the truth and wouldn't lie or be manipulated. The world needed someone to take what it was causing the climate to change and stop it before it got out of control. The world needs Fax. Helped by an assistant professor named Kyle, Geology Professor Woodrow Malarky, and Methie, a conscious being who lives at the heart of the Earth, Fax determines that intelligence shouldn't be allowed to destroy intelligence. After all, that wouldn't be very intelligent, would it?
(About the Author)
A native of Bristol, England, L C J Emery has ideas to help the world. "What inspired me to write this book is my frustration with the world's attempt to combat climate change. I said to my daughter what is needed is a modern-day avenger to fight climate change. So, I thought Fax could do it."