When a young graduate returns home he is accompanied, much to his father and uncle's discomfort, by a strange friend "who doesn't acknowledge any authorities, who doesn't accept a single principle on faith." Turgenev's masterpiece of generational conflict shocked Russian society...
Turgenev's timeless tale of generational collision, in a sparkling new translation When Arkady Petrovich returns home from college, his father finds his eager, na ve son changed almost beyond recognition, for the impressionable Arkady has fallen under the powerful...
The English rendition of the title of this novel has been problematic since the book's publication in 1862. In his prefatory note to the Second Edition, Katz explains his decision to return to the original title, the one preferred by the author himself: Ottsy i deti , literally...
Fathers and Sons is a major work of nineteenth-century fiction and one of the most acclaimed Russian novels of all time. The story follows the relationships between a father, his sons Pavel and Arkady, and Arkady's nihilist friend Bazarov. Against the backdrop of a growing cultural...
A 19th-century Russian masterpiece about love, politics, family, and the tension between the new generation and the old world. Ivan Turgenev's Fathers and Children is a book full to bursting with life, both comic and tragic. At the heart of this novel about...
The English rendition of the title of this novel has been problematic since the book's publication in 1862. In his prefatory note to the Second Edition, Katz explains his decision to return to the original title, the one preferred by the author himself: Ottsy i deti, literally...
When Fathers and Sons was first published in Russia, in 1862, it was met with a blaze of controversy about where Turgenev stood in relation to his account of generational misunderstanding. Was he criticizing the worldview of the conservative aesthete, Pavel Kirsanov, and the...
I.S.Turgenev - imja unikal'noe dazhe v zolotoj plejade klassikov russkoj prozy XIX veka. Jeto pisatel', ch'e bezuprechnoe literaturnoe masterstvo sootnositsja so stol' zhe bezuprechnym znaniem chelovecheskoj dushi. Turgenev obogatil russkuju literaturu samymi plenitel'nymi zhenskimi...
Ivan Turgenev's classic novel (also known as "Fathers and Children"), featuring Eugene Bazarov, thought to be the "first Bolshevik" in Russian literature. The novel explores the changing times and clash of generations in Russia during the period between Russia's defeat in the...
One of the grestest of the classic Russian novels, this universal tale of generational conflict is set at a moment of historic social upheaval, just before the emancipation of the serfs in 1861. When Arkady Kirsanov returns home from university, his father and...
This Critical Edition of Fathers and Sons, translated and edited by Michael R. Katz, is accompanied by a selection of Turgenev's letters, illustrating his involvement in the critical storm that surrounded Fathers and Sons upon its publication in 1862. It also includes 16 critical...
With an introduction by Rosamund Bartlett and an afterword by Tatiana Tolstaya Turgenev's depiction of the conflict between generations and their ideals stunned readers when Fathers and Sons was first published in 1862. But many could also sympathize with Arkady's fascination...
Ivan Sergyevitch Turgenev came of an old stock of the Russian nobility. He was born in Orel, in the province of Orel, which lies more than a hundred miles south of Moscow, on October 28, 1818. His education was begun by tutors at home in the great family mansion in the town of...
Fathers and Sons (1862), Turgenev's masterpiece, represents in its hero, Bazarov, 'the new man', a nihilist liberated from age-old conformities and at odds with the previous generation, questioning the very fabric of society. A novel of ideas, Fathers and Sons is also a moving...
When a young graduate returns home he is accompanied, much to his father and uncle's discomfort, by a strange friend "who doesn't acknowledge any authorities, who doesn't accept a single principle on faith." Turgenev's masterpiece of generational conflict shocked Russian society...