Father Smith Instructs Jackson: Centennial Edition Over 3 million copies of this timeless classic have been sold, and it has influenced thousands of conversions. Witness the engaging and accessible interplay between a priest and a non-Catholic inquiring about the Faith...
""Father Smith Instructs Jackson"" is a book written by John Francis Noll. The story revolves around a young man named Jackson who is seeking guidance and spiritual enlightenment from Father Smith, a wise and experienced priest. Throughout the book, Father Smith teaches Jackson...
Father Smith Instructs Jackson is a book written by John Francis Noll. It is a religious book that follows the story of a young man named Jackson who is seeking guidance and instruction from Father Smith, a Catholic priest. Throughout the book, Father Smith provides Jackson with...
Father Smith Instructs Jackson is a novel written by John Francis Noll. The story revolves around the character of Jackson, a young man who is struggling to find his place in the world. He is a talented musician who has been raised in a strict Protestant household. However, his...
""Father Smith Instructs Jackson"" is a novel written by John Francis Noll. The story follows the main character, Jackson, a young man who has recently converted to Catholicism. He seeks guidance from Father Smith, a wise and experienced priest who takes Jackson under his wing...