The works in this collection of essays, short stories, and verse all feature fathers-some are loving, and some not; some are responsible, and some not. Some of these works are clearly memoirs or brief biographies, while others are fiction. The opener, "When Your Name Is Not in the Box," offers Ann Nunnally's recollections of her father, who, she writes, was imprisoned for her grandfather's murder and struggled with drugs and alcohol his entire life; she also tells of how, as a child, she saw Jesus as a parental figure. ...
The stories are set against a backdrop of varied cultural, social, and emotional landscapes, allowing for a rich exploration of different familial dynamics. Some fathers embody qualities of a guiding mentor and protective guardian, while others exhibit characteristics of a distant figure struggling to connect. Although the authors' perspectives are starkly different, there are cohesive themes of love, duty, addiction, and, in several cases, death. Overall, the book captures the multifaceted ways that parents influence lives, and showcases the joys, challenges, and complexities of such relationships.
-Kirkus Reviews
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