Detective Inspector Andy Horton is called out to Oyster Quays Marina to examine a gruesome catch by two fishermen: a blackened human hand. The rest of the body is nowhere to be found.Meanwhile, a violent criminal is missing. Alfie Wright attacked David Jewson, a family man and bus driver in his forties, and was released on bail before going MIA. Could the blackened hand belong to Wright?Then Horton receives a surprising email from Dr Carolyn Grantham from the Centre for the Study of Missing Persons. Dr Grantham is looking into the disappearance of five adults and examining how they were reported in the media. She wants to meet Horton to talk about his missing mother.Assailed by doubts both in his personal and professional life, Horton desperately tries to keep his emotions under control and his focus on his work. His instincts tell him to trust no one and believe nothing.