In the midst of exclamatory headlines, such as "Son Sues to Divorce His Mother," "Surrogate Mother Refuses to Turn Over Baby" and "Facebook Divorces on the Rise," Statsky's FAMILY LAW, 7E helps you find an accurate picture of the state of family law today and your role, as a...
In the midst of exclamatory headlines, such as "Son Sues to Divorce His Mother," "Surrogate Mother Refuses to Turn Over Baby" and "Facebook Divorces on the Rise," Statsky's FAMILY LAW, 7E helps you find an accurate picture of the state of family law today and your role, as a...
"Family Law, 5th Edition," is an excellent introductory guide for anyone with an interest in family law. It provides an in-depth overview of family law with a focus on the skills needed by a paralegal working in this area. Such skills include legal analysis, legal interviewing,...
"Family Law, 5th Edition," is an excellent introductory guide for anyone with an interest in family law. It provides an in-depth overview of family law with a focus on the skills needed by a paralegal working in this area. Such skills include legal analysis, legal interviewing,...
The leader in the field, the third edition has been used at more than 500 paralegal programs. It provides comprehensive, accurate coverage with an emphasis on paralegal skills and techniques. The fourth edition now includes edited cases and is thoroughly updated. State-specific...