Name calling is a common phenomenon studied by many branches of education.
Normally referred to by those concerned with argumentation as "ad hominem," it means
an argument "directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining."
My main objective in this book is to give personal examples of names or labels I have
been given at various times in my life to illustrate why people use such names, generally
to attack the character, motive, or other attribute of another person.
My second objective is to illustrate how to deal with such attacks, as a Christian. If
these attacks are turned to learning opportunities, you find that God reveals an aspect of
His character that you may not have known before, and he gives you the strength to turn
what was meant to hurt you to something that helps you to grow in your faith, as well as
relieves you from possible bitterness, which is like cancer
A third objective is to show that the Church is one, the Body of Christ, all members
must be treated the same, and we must remember that God is the only one who knows
our thoughts, and so can judge fairly. This should humble us when we think we know
everything about any other person.