Faith, Trinity and the Bully is a book written by a 6 year old to help her school aged peers realize that bullying is wrong. Bullying is a societal issue on the rise and must be talked about in different platforms so that elementary aged students begin to understand what bullying is, how it makes their peers feel, why it is wrong, and why it shall not be condoned. It also teaches all readers how to mend friendships and forgive.
In this book, Faith, the author, is a very happy 6 year old girl who has a lot of friends. The mean 7 year old Bully, is a loner and is jealous of Faith's many friends. So she devises a plan to make Faith's friends think she is crazy when she sees Faith and Trinity, who is the Unicorn, together and happy. Because she wanted to have many friends too, which a sense of popularity is common among kids today, she thought that by making Faith appear to be crazy to her friends, they would no longer be friends and would be just like her...a loner. Read the story to see how it unfolds and how the Bully's plan backfire.
If you or someone you know is being bullied, call the No Bully Help Hotline at 1-866-488-7386.