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Complete and current coverage of site piping systems for facilities
Featuring the latest codes and standards, this detailed resource discusses the design of facility piping systems that are installed on the site beyond the building wall. This is a comprehensive guide to the identification, measurement, transport, and disposal of various kinds of waterborne waste as well as to the supply of water and natural gas to facilities. Water conservation and reuse are also addressed. Written by a global expert in the field, this book provides the most up-to-date criteria and methods for the design of commercial, industrial, and institutional site facility systems.
Facilities Site Piping Systems Handbook covers:
Water wellsGraywaterGroundwater monitoring wellsWater treatmentDesalinationSite domestic water serviceSite fire protectionSite fuel gas systemsFats, oils, and grease interceptors, and motor oil separation unitspH neutralization systemsInfectious and biological waste drainage systemsNuclear wasteIndustrial wasteFire suppression water drainageVolatile liquids: treatment and disposalStormwater harvesting and reuseStormwater drainage and disposalFlow in ditches and open channelsSanitary gravity flowPump discharge systemsUnderground piping designFreezing prevention of water and wastewater in exterior pipes and tanksBuilding rating and assessment systems