Thomas Roch, a brilliant French inventor, has designed the Fulgurator, a weapon so powerful that "the state which acquired it would become absolute master of earth and ocean." However, unable to sell his unproven idea to France or any other government, Roch begins to lose his...
Facing the Flag or For the Flag is an 1896 patriotic novel by Jules Verne. The book is part of the Voyages Extraordinaires series. It has the theme of France and the entire world threatened by a super-weapon with the threat finally overcome through the force of French patriotism...
Facing the Flag by Jules Verne is a gripping tale that combines adventure, espionage, and advanced technology, reflecting Verne's deep interest in scientific innovation and its potential impact on society. Published in 1896, the novel is part of Verne's Extraordinary...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely...
Facing the Flag or For the Flag (French: Face au drapeau) is an 1896 patriotic novel by Jules Verne. The book is part of the Voyages extraordinaires series. Like The Begum's Millions, which Verne published in 1879, it has the theme of France and the entire...
Facing the Flag or For the Flag (French: Face au drapeau) is an 1896 patriotic novel by Jules Verne. The book is part of the Voyages extraordinaires series. Like The Begum's Millions, which Verne published in 1879, it has the theme of France and the entire...
Thomas Roch, a brilliant French inventor, has designed the Fulgurator, a weapon so powerful that "the state which acquired it would become absolute master of earth and ocean." However, unable to sell his unproven idea to France or any other government, Roch begins to lose his...
Facing the Flag or For the Flag is a patriotic novel by Jules Verne. Like The Begum's Millions which Verne published in 1879, it has the theme of France and the entire world threatened by a super-weapon (what would now be called a weapon of mass destruction) with the threat finally...
Facing the Flag or For the Flag is a patriotic novel by Jules Verne. Like The Begum's Millions which Verne published in 1879 , it has the theme of France and the entire world threatened by a super-weapon (what would now be called a weapon of mass destruction) with the threat...
Verne wrote about space, air and underwater travel before air travel and practical submarines were invented, and before practical means of space travel had been devised.
Jules Verne: Die Erfindung des Verderbens FACE AU DRAPEAU (entstanden 1894-1895). Frz. Vorabdruck: Magasin d'Education et de R cr ation 1.1.-15.6.1896. Frz. Buch-Erstausgabe: J. Hetzel, Paris 1896. Dt. Buch-Erstausgabe: A. Hartleben, Wien Pest Leipzig o. J., ausgeliefert November...
Jules Verne: Die Erfindung des Verderbens FACE AU DRAPEAU (entstanden 1894-1895). Frz. Vorabdruck: Magasin d'Education et de R cr ation 1.1.-15.6.1896. Frz. Buch-Erstausgabe: J. Hetzel, Paris 1896. Dt. Buch-Erstausgabe: A. Hartleben, Wien Pest Leipzig o. J., ausgeliefert November...
Le roman est achev d s 1894. Il para t d'abord sous forme de feuilleton du 1er janvier au 15 juin 1896 dans la revue cr e par Pierre-Jules Hetzel, le Magasin d' ducation et de r cr ation, puis sous grand format cartonn la m me ann e, avec des illustrations et chromotypographies...
Face au drapeau est un roman d'anticipation de Jules Verne, paru en 1896. L'auteur fait part dans cette oeuvre de son inqui tude face aux progr s techniques dans le domaine des explosifs, qui transparaissait d j (mais avec une teinte d'humour) dans De la Terre la Lune et qui...
Un savant fran?ais, Thomas Roch, auquel les gouvernements refusent de payer l'explosif qu'il a invent?, est enlev? par les pirates de Ker Karraje, ainsi que son gardien Simon Hart. Ses ravisseurs veulent l'obliger ? utiliser son invention contre un navire fran?ais...