This short book is for people that have a belief in God's infallible word. They have seen many
prophesies fulfilled in Jesus Christ--his birth, his death, and his resurrection.
They have seen God's creation, the fulfillment of the Old Testament. They have seen all of
God's dispensations up to the end which we all live in today.
Before the rapture of the church, God's body on earth, there is one more prophecy to take
place--the invasion of God and his armies upon Israel.
To say the least, many people will be killed and many people will be hurt all over the world.
Russia's armies will be destroyed. Some will survive.
This little book is here to warn people that this event is going to take place. Do not be
disbelieving. Read chapters 37-39 of the book of Ezekiel and let Jesus take your sins away
and be protected by His blood now today.
Be warned.