Extraordinary Outcomes presents an innovative approach tothinking and planning, giving leaders a playbook for dealing withuncertainty. Written by internationally recognized authorities onproblem solving and creativity in organizations, this book providesan alternative outlook on business strategy and people managementfor leaders navigating uncertain waters, where the future isanything but guaranteed. The framework is the result of research inmultiple fields and the authors' experiences with individuals, teams, and organizations, with examples from real-world situationsthat illustrate the concepts and dynamics at work to give readersdeeper insight. The focus is on conquering uncertainty -eliminating it where possible, reducing it where it can be reduced, and embracing it when it's inevitable.
Traditional ways of thinking and planning do not work in theface of an uncertain future. Frequently there are just noguarantees, nothing written in stone, and even a fortune-tellercouldn't accurately predict the outcome. ExtraordinaryOutcomes helps leaders prepare for that, with strategies gearedtoward preparedness and embracing uncertainty.
Learn why skills and talent are only two pieces of a biggerpuzzleDiscover how to better galvanize the team, and keep themmotivated long-termConnect to a purpose that inspires enthusiastic engagementConquer uncertainty, and develop a strategy for dealing withmistakesNo one likes to be caught off guard, and the consequences can besevere at the organizational level. Leaders can't be psychic, butthey can plan for possible outcomes and always have a solution atthe ready. For those who like to have an answer for everything, Extraordinary Outcomes provides a roadmap toward anuncertainty-proof strategy for doing business.