A mild April night stirs spirits from beyond time. The wind blows gently from the East beckoning mystical creatures of all creeds to the magical Goblin Realms. As the portal opens you feel the energy pulse. Tonight is different.
Tonight The Ritual of The Ancients takes place - and you are invited.
The Goblin Ball returns with a new immersive fantasy experience for 2022.
Welcome to the Photo Book and Fantasy that is The Goblin Ball - Exordium Part photo record, part story telling of the events that happened during the evening, this a collectors item not to be missed. Event StoryAs the moon rises on the Temple of Exordium the veil between humans and Fae allows all to assume their true form. Rulers rub shoulders with Fae while dark spirits and goblins watch from the shadows. The most talented fantasy artists and producers toil hard to breathe life into a veritable trove of creatures. This is truly an evening for those who have dreamed of experiencing the other side of the looking glass. The Goblin Ball welcomes those who wish to shake the mortal coil and forget the mundane while promenading in costume at the most magical and fantasy fuelled evening in Melbourne.
The rich red dressings of The Temple of Exordium glow as guests dance to the earthly sounds of the quintessential 80s and 90s (and beyond) music. The royal photographers capture each moment for the history books. The Goblin Ball is truly dedicated to the dreamers and the explorers of worlds beyond the earthly plane.